
суббота, 25 марта 2023 г.

X$ tables: reading X$KQFCO from Oracle binary

Column definition structures are stored in kqftap:

[oracle@db-21 ~]$ xinfo list 'X$KCCCP' -o json --with-kqftap
  "457": {
    "obj": 4294951392,
    "ver": 5,
    "nam_ptr": 383999376,
    "nam": "X$KCCCP",
    "xstruct_nam_ptr": 383999384,
    "xstruct": "kctcpx",
    "typ": 5,
    "flg": 0,
    "rsz": 552,
    "coc": 25,
    "kqftap": {
      "xstruct_ptr": 382889376,
      "cb2_ptr": 75535856,
      "xstruct": "kctcpx_c",
      "cb2": "kctxcp"

For example, the structure kctcpx_c defines X$KCCCP's columns:

[oracle@db-21 bin]$ readelf -s oracle | grep -E -A1 -w 'Symbol|kctcpx_c' --no-group-separator
Symbol table '.dynsym' contains 225083 entries:
   Num:    Value          Size Type    Bind   Vis      Ndx Name
Symbol table '.symtab' contains 402534 entries:
   Num:    Value          Size Type    Bind   Vis      Ndx Name
 80301: 0000000016d77100  1664 OBJECT  LOCAL  DEFAULT   17 kctcpx_c
 80302: 0000000016d77780  2304 OBJECT  LOCAL  DEFAULT   17 kctmtx_c

Here is what it looks like:

[oracle@db-21 bin]$ objdump -s --start-address=0x0000000016d77100 --stop-address=$((0x0000000016d77100+1664)) oracle

oracle:     file format elf64-x86-64

Contents of section .rodata:
 16d77100 04000000 00000000 9c95e616 00000000  ................
 16d77110 17090000 00000000 00000000 00000000  ................
 16d77120 00000000 00000000 08000000 00000000  ................
 16d77130 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000  ................
 16d77140 04000000 00000000 60d6d715 00000000  ........`.......
 16d77150 020b0000 00000000 00000000 00000000  ................
 16d77160 00000000 00000000 04000000 00000000  ................
 16d77170 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000  ................
 16d77180 07000000 00000000 b0960f16 00000000  ................
 16d77190 020b0000 00000000 00000000 00000000  ................
 16d771a0 00000000 00000000 04000000 00000000  ................
 16d771b0 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000  ................
 16d771c0 06000000 00000000 5c8de716 00000000  ........\.......
 16d771d0 020b0000 00000000 00000000 00000000  ................
 16d771e0 00000000 00000000 02000000 00000000  ................
 16d771f0 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000  ................
 16d77200 05000000 00000000 6c82e916 00000000  ........l.......
 16d77210 02000100 00000000 00000000 00000000  ................
 16d77220 00000000 00000000 04000000 00000000  ................
 16d77230 0c020000 00000000 00000000 00000000  ................

Each column is defined within 64 bytes:

[oracle@db-21 bin]$ for a in 16e6959c 15d7d660 160f96b0 16e78d5c 16e9826c
> do
>   objdump -s --start-address=0x$a --stop-address=$((0x$a+16)) oracle
> done

oracle:     file format elf64-x86-64

Contents of section .rodata:
 16e6959c 41444452 00000000 6b71665f 66696c6c  ADDR....kqf_fill

oracle:     file format elf64-x86-64

Contents of section .rodata:
 15d7d660 494e4458 00000000 49535355 45440000  INDX....ISSUED..

oracle:     file format elf64-x86-64

Contents of section .rodata:
 160f96b0 494e5354 5f494400 71656573 46696e64  INST_ID.qeesFind

oracle:     file format elf64-x86-64

Contents of section .rodata:
 16e78d5c 434f4e5f 49440000 5352435f 434f4e5f  CON_ID..SRC_CON_

oracle:     file format elf64-x86-64

Contents of section .rodata:
 16e9826c 4350544e 4f000000 43505354 41000000  CPTNO...CPSTA...

Here is the structure of X$KCCCP:

SQL> desc x$kcccp
 Name                                      Null?    Type
 ----------------------------------------- -------- ----------------------------
 ADDR                                               RAW(8)
 INDX                                               NUMBER
 INST_ID                                            NUMBER
 CON_ID                                             NUMBER
 CPTNO                                              NUMBER
 CPSTA                                              NUMBER
 CPFLG                                              NUMBER
 CPDRT                                              NUMBER
 CPRDB                                              NUMBER
 CPLRBA_SEQ                                         NUMBER
 CPLRBA_BNO                                         NUMBER
 CPLRBA_BOF                                         NUMBER
 CPODR_SEQ                                          NUMBER
 CPODR_BNO                                          NUMBER
 CPODR_BOF                                          NUMBER
 CPODS                                              VARCHAR2(20)
 CPODT                                              VARCHAR2(20)
 CPODT_I                                            NUMBER
 CPHBT                                              NUMBER
 CPRLS                                              VARCHAR2(20)
 CPRLC                                              NUMBER
 CPMID                                              NUMBER
 CPSDR_SEQ                                          NUMBER
 CPSDR_BNO                                          NUMBER
 CPSDR_ADB                                          NUMBER

And the actual X$KQFCO rows:

SQL> select kqfcocno,
  2         kqfconam,
  3         kqfcosiz,
  4         kqfcodty,
  5         kqfcotyp,
  6         kqfcomax,
  7         kqfcolsz,
  8         kqfcolof,
  9         kqfcooff,
 10         kqfcoidx,
 11         kqfcoipo
 12    from x$kqfta t,
 13         x$kqfco c
 14   where t.kqftanam = 'X$KCCCP'
 15     and c.kqfcotab = t.indx
 16   order by 1;

---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------
         1 ADDR                8         23          9          0          0          0          0          0          0
         2 INDX                4          2         11          0          0          0          0          0          0
         3 INST_ID             4          2         11          0          0          0          0          0          0
         4 CON_ID              2          2         11          0          0          0          0          0          0
         5 CPTNO               4          2          0          0          0          0        524          1          0
         6 CPSTA               4          2         11          0          0          0          0          0          0
         7 CPFLG               4          2         11          0          0          0          4          0          0
         8 CPDRT               4          2         11          0          0          0          8          0          0
         9 CPRDB               4          2         11          0          0          0        548          0          0
        10 CPLRBA_SEQ          4          2         11          0          0          0         12          0          0
        11 CPLRBA_BNO          4          2         11          0          0          0         16          0          0
        12 CPLRBA_BOF          2          2         11          0          0          0         20          0          0
        13 CPODR_SEQ           4          2         11          0          0          0         24          0          0
        14 CPODR_BNO           4          2         11          0          0          0         28          0          0
        15 CPODR_BOF           2          2         11          0          0          0         32          0          0
        16 CPODS              20          1          5          0          0          0        484          0          0
        17 CPODT              20          1          5          0          0          0        504          0          0
        18 CPODT_I             4          2         11          0          0          0         44          0          0
        19 CPHBT               4          2         11          0          0          0         60          0          0
        20 CPRLS              20          1          5          0          0          0        528          0          0
        21 CPRLC               4          2         11          0          0          0         48          0          0
        22 CPMID               4          2         11          0          0          0         64          0          0
        23 CPSDR_SEQ           4          2         11          0          0          0        104          0          0
        24 CPSDR_BNO           4          2         11          0          0          0        108          0          0
        25 CPSDR_ADB           2          2         11          0          0          0        112          0          0

25 rows selected.

The xinfo tool has a describe command that produces the same data:

[oracle@db-21 ~]$ xinfo desc 'X$KCCCP'
| cno |    nam_ptr | nam        | siz | dty | typ | max | lsz | lof | off | idx | ipo | kqfcop_indx |
|   1 | 0x16e6959c | ADDR       |   8 |  23 |   9 |   0 |   0 |   0 |   0 |   0 |   0 |           0 |
|   2 | 0x15d7d660 | INDX       |   4 |   2 |  11 |   0 |   0 |   0 |   0 |   0 |   0 |           0 |
|   3 | 0x160f96b0 | INST_ID    |   4 |   2 |  11 |   0 |   0 |   0 |   0 |   0 |   0 |           0 |
|   4 | 0x16e78d5c | CON_ID     |   2 |   2 |  11 |   0 |   0 |   0 |   0 |   0 |   0 |           0 |
|   5 | 0x16e9826c | CPTNO      |   4 |   2 |   0 |   0 |   0 |   0 | 524 |   1 |   0 |           0 |
|   6 | 0x16e98274 | CPSTA      |   4 |   2 |  11 |   0 |   0 |   0 |   0 |   0 |   0 |           0 |
|   7 | 0x16e9827c | CPFLG      |   4 |   2 |  11 |   0 |   0 |   0 |   4 |   0 |   0 |           0 |
|   8 | 0x16e98284 | CPDRT      |   4 |   2 |  11 |   0 |   0 |   0 |   8 |   0 |   0 |           0 |
|   9 | 0x16e9828c | CPRDB      |   4 |   2 |  11 |   0 |   0 |   0 | 548 |   0 |   0 |           0 |
|  10 | 0x16e98294 | CPLRBA_SEQ |   4 |   2 |  11 |   0 |   0 |   0 |  12 |   0 |   0 |           0 |
|  11 | 0x16e982a0 | CPLRBA_BNO |   4 |   2 |  11 |   0 |   0 |   0 |  16 |   0 |   0 |           0 |
|  12 | 0x16e982ac | CPLRBA_BOF |   2 |   2 |  11 |   0 |   0 |   0 |  20 |   0 |   0 |           0 |
|  13 | 0x16e982b8 | CPODR_SEQ  |   4 |   2 |  11 |   0 |   0 |   0 |  24 |   0 |   0 |           0 |
|  14 | 0x16e982c4 | CPODR_BNO  |   4 |   2 |  11 |   0 |   0 |   0 |  28 |   0 |   0 |           0 |
|  15 | 0x16e982d0 | CPODR_BOF  |   2 |   2 |  11 |   0 |   0 |   0 |  32 |   0 |   0 |           0 |
|  16 | 0x16e982dc | CPODS      |  20 |   1 |   5 |   0 |   0 |   0 | 484 |   0 |   0 |           0 |
|  17 | 0x16e982e4 | CPODT      |  20 |   1 |   5 |   0 |   0 |   0 | 504 |   0 |   0 |           0 |
|  18 | 0x16e982ec | CPODT_I    |   4 |   2 |  11 |   0 |   0 |   0 |  44 |   0 |   0 |           0 |
|  19 | 0x16e982f4 | CPHBT      |   4 |   2 |  11 |   0 |   0 |   0 |  60 |   0 |   0 |           0 |
|  20 | 0x16e982fc | CPRLS      |  20 |   1 |   5 |   0 |   0 |   0 | 528 |   0 |   0 |           0 |
|  21 | 0x16e98304 | CPRLC      |   4 |   2 |  11 |   0 |   0 |   0 |  48 |   0 |   0 |           0 |
|  22 | 0x16e9830c | CPMID      |   4 |   2 |  11 |   0 |   0 |   0 |  64 |   0 |   0 |           0 |
|  23 | 0x16e98314 | CPSDR_SEQ  |   4 |   2 |  11 |   0 |   0 |   0 | 104 |   0 |   0 |           0 |
|  24 | 0x16e98320 | CPSDR_BNO  |   4 |   2 |  11 |   0 |   0 |   0 | 108 |   0 |   0 |           0 |
|  25 | 0x16e9832c | CPSDR_ADB  |   2 |   2 |  11 |   0 |   0 |   0 | 112 |   0 |   0 |           0 |

суббота, 18 марта 2023 г.

ORA-00855 PGA_AGGREGATE_TARGET cannot be set because of insufficient physical memory

Given the following amount of memory and %target parameters, what PGA_AGGREGATE_TARGET (PAT) can be set for this system?

SQL> sho parameter ga%target

NAME                                 TYPE        VALUE
------------------------------------ ----------- ------------------------------
pga_aggregate_target                 big integer 200M
sga_target                           big integer 16640M
SQL> !grep Mem /proc/meminfo
MemTotal:       32053636 kB
MemFree:         2063524 kB
MemAvailable:    5843840 kB

Oracle allows to set the value to more than MemAvailable:

SQL> alter system set pga_aggregate_target=5843841K;

System altered.

At the same time, an attempt to set the PAT value to 6GB fails with ORA-855:

SQL> alter system set pga_aggregate_target=6G;
alter system set pga_aggregate_target=6G
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-02097: parameter cannot be modified because specified value is invalid
ORA-00855: PGA_AGGREGATE_TARGET cannot be set because of insufficient physical

with the following message written to the DB alert log:

pga_aggregate_target cannot be set to 6442450944 due to SGA memory requirement and the physical memory size.

The description of the error is self-explanatory:

SQL> !oerr ora 855
00855, 00000, "PGA_AGGREGATE_TARGET cannot be set because of insufficient physical memory."
// *Cause:  PGA_AGGREGATE_TARGET value was too high for the current system global area (SGA) size and amount of physical memory available.
// *Action: Reduce the SGA size or increase the physical memory size.

Which, however, doesn't explain what the maximum PAT value allowed for this system.

During my experiments, I found out that Oracle calls the ksmc_physmem_pga_target function internally that returns the maximum PAT value. The function takes the total host memory as input, which in my case would be 32053636KB (or 0x7a4661000 in hex). We can use gdb to show the value:

(gdb) printf "0x%lx\n", (long) ksmc_physmem_pga_target(0x7a4661000)

Which is 6,046,163,148 bytes. oradebug outputs just 4 last bytes and it is not reliable here (the same value is shown in the trace file):

SQL> oradebug call ksmc_physmem_pga_target 0x7a4661000
Function returned 686120CC

The trace file:

Oradebug command 'call ksmc_physmem_pga_target 0x7a4661000' console output:
Function returned 686120CC

Oracle developers must have used the x format in oradebug:

(gdb) printf "0x%x\n", (long) ksmc_physmem_pga_target(0x7a4661000)

The PAT value can be validated in SQL*Plus:

SQL> alter system set pga_aggregate_target=6046163148;

System altered.

While setting the value to more than that is not allowed:

SQL> alter system set pga_aggregate_target=6046163149;
alter system set pga_aggregate_target=6046163149
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-02097: parameter cannot be modified because specified value is invalid
ORA-00855: PGA_AGGREGATE_TARGET cannot be set because of insufficient physical

The internal algorithm used by Oracle may change, but at the time of my experiments in 19.18 the maximum PGA value seems to be calculated as follows:

max PAT = (TotalMemory * _pga_limit_physmem_perc / 100 - SGA_TARGET) * 100 / _pga_limit_target_perc


  • max PAT: PGA_AGGREGATE_TARGET max value
  • TotalMemory: total host memory (MemTotal in /proc/meminfo)
  • _pga_limit_physmem_perc: the parameter limiting total PGA and SGA (90% by default, in other words Oracle reserves 10% for OS and everything else):

    SQL> select indx, ksppdesc from x$ksppi where ksppinm='_pga_limit_physmem_perc';
    ---------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
           246 default percent of physical memory for pga_aggregate_limit and SGA
    SQL> select ksppstvl from x$ksppsv where indx=246;
  • _pga_limit_target_perc: the default percent of PAT for pga_aggregate_limit (200% by default):

    SQL> select indx, ksppdesc from x$ksppi where ksppinm='_pga_limit_target_perc';
    ---------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
           234 default percent of pga_aggregate_target for pga_aggregate_limit
    SQL> select ksppstvl from x$ksppsv where indx=234;

Substituting the values from the sample system to the formula, we get the expected value we experimentally found previously:

max PAT = (32053636 * 1024 * 90 / 100 - 16640 * 1024 * 1024) * 100 / 200 = 6046163148.8

Please note that this formula applies when the value is set while the instance is up and running. It is still possible to set a higher value in spfile and bounce the instance. It will work producing the following output in the alert log:

PGA_AGGREGATE_TARGET specified is high
Errors in file /u01/app/oracle/diag/rdbms/racdb/racdb1/trace/racdb1_ora_275709.trc  (incident=14402):
ORA-00700: soft internal error, arguments: [pga physmem limit], [6046163149], [6046163148], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], []
Incident details in: /u01/app/oracle/diag/rdbms/racdb/racdb1/incident/incdir_14402/racdb1_ora_275709_i14402.trc

Where the second argument of the ORA-00700 error (6046163149) is the actual PAT value, the third argument (6046163148) is the max PAT value calculated by the formula above. In such a scenario, it is not possible to set the PAT value to itself:

SQL> sho parameter pga

NAME                                 TYPE        VALUE
------------------------------------ ----------- ------------------------------
pga_aggregate_limit                  big integer 12092326298
pga_aggregate_target                 big integer 6046163149
SQL> alter system set pga_aggregate_target=6046163149;
alter system set pga_aggregate_target=6046163149
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-02097: parameter cannot be modified because specified value is invalid
ORA-00855: PGA_AGGREGATE_TARGET cannot be set because of insufficient physical