
суббота, 19 февраля 2022 г.

X$ tables: table-level callbacks and column definitions (without parsing)

Thus far, I have reviewed the kqftab structure which is used to build the majority of tables in X$KQFTA. It is not clear yet where actual columns are coming from. There is an additional structure called kqftap that has the extra information.

[oracle@db-21 bin]$ readelf -s oracle | grep -E -A1 -w 'Symbol|kqftap' --no-group-separator
Symbol table '.dynsym' contains 225083 entries:
   Num:    Value          Size Type    Bind   Vis      Ndx Name
225049: 0000000016cf4d00 40736 OBJECT  GLOBAL DEFAULT   17 kqftap
225050: 0000000007b02100   256 FUNC    GLOBAL DEFAULT   13 l9_ippsRLEGetInUseTable_8
Symbol table '.symtab' contains 402534 entries:
   Num:    Value          Size Type    Bind   Vis      Ndx Name
351482: 0000000016cf4d00 40736 OBJECT  GLOBAL DEFAULT   17 kqftap
351483: 0000000012aef270   800 FUNC    GLOBAL DEFAULT   14 qesxlGetPayloadData

Here is what it looks like:

[oracle@db-21 bin]$ objdump -s --start-address=0x0000000016cf4d00 --stop-address=$((0x0000000016cf4d00+40736)) oracle

oracle:     file format elf64-x86-64

Contents of section .rodata:
 16cf4d00 00000000 00000000 00efcf16 00000000  ................
 16cf4d10 7039670e 00000000 00000000 00000000  p9g.............
 16cf4d20 00000000 00000000 00f2cf16 00000000  ................
 16cf4d30 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000  ................
 16cf4d40 00000000 00000000 00f4cf16 00000000  ................
 16cf4d50 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000  ................
 16cf4d60 00000000 00000000 80f5cf16 00000000  ................
 16cf4d70 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000  ................
 16cf4d80 00000000 00000000 80f7cf16 00000000  ................
 16cf4d90 903b670e 00000000 00000000 00000000  .;g.............

It is made of 32-byte rows. The third column in the output points to the X$-column structure - the structure describing the corresponding X$ table:

[oracle@db-21 bin]$ for a in 16cfef00 16cff200 16cff400 16cff580
> do
>   nm oracle | grep $a
> done
0000000016cfef00 r kqfta_c
0000000016cff200 r kqfvi_c
0000000016cff400 r kqfvt_c
0000000016cff580 r kqfdt_c

[oracle@db-21 ~]$ xinfo list | head -10
|        obj | ver |    nam_ptr | nam                           | xstruct_nam_ptr | xstruct                   | typ |  flg |    rsz | coc |
| 4294950912 |   6 | 0x16282d00 | X$KQFTA                       |      0x16e33810 | kqftv                     |   4 |    0 |     80 |  11 |
| 4294950913 |   3 | 0x16e33818 | X$KQFVI                       |      0x16e33810 | kqftv                     |   1 |    0 |     80 |   7 |
| 4294951149 |   3 | 0x16e33820 | X$KQFVT                       |      0x16e33828 | kqftp                     |   1 |    0 |     32 |   5 |
| 4294950914 |   4 | 0x16e33830 | X$KQFDT                       |      0x16e33838 | kqfdt                     |   1 |    0 |     40 |   7 |
| 4294951036 |   6 | 0x16e33840 | X$KQFCO                       |      0x16e33848 | kqfcc                     |   4 |    2 |     80 |  17 |
| 4294952712 |   2 | 0x16e33850 | X$KQFOPT                      |      0x16e3385c | kqfopt                    |   1 |    0 |     24 |   6 |
| 4294952922 |   3 | 0x16e33864 | X$KYWMPCTAB                   |      0x16e33870 | kywmpctab                 |   4 |    0 |     88 |  12 |

Both kqftab and kqftap define tables and corresponding column structures in the same order: X$KQFTA's columns are described in kqfta_c, X$KQFVI's columns are described in kqfvi_c, etc.

Then, some X$ tables require additional processing, so that there are callback functions:

[oracle@db-21 bin]$ nm oracle | grep -E 'e673970|e673b90'
000000000e673970 T kqftbl_cb
000000000e673b90 T kqftco

The xinfo tool was enhanced to output the corresponding kqftap rows when the --with-kqftap option is specified:

[oracle@db-21 ~]$ xinfo list 'X$KSMLRU' --with-kqftap -o json
  "88": {
    "obj": 4294951099,
    "ver": 7,
    "nam_ptr": 383991380,
    "nam": "X$KSMLRU",
    "xstruct_nam_ptr": 383991392,
    "xstruct": "ksmlr",
    "typ": 4,
    "flg": 0,
    "rsz": 112,
    "coc": 18,
    "kqftap": {
      "xstruct_ptr": 382474144,
      "cb1_ptr": 132689584,
      "xstruct": "ksmlru_c",
      "cb1": "ksmlrs"

I will explain how to extract the column definitions in the next post.

пятница, 11 февраля 2022 г.

Virtual X$ tables

Some of X$ tables are not coming from the kqftab structure. For example, the xinfo tool outputs only 1,272 tables in 21.5, whereas X$KQFTA has 1,377 rows:

[oracle@db-21 sf_exchange]$ xinfo list -o json |
>   jq -r '.[] | .nam' |
>   awk '{printf "%4d %s\n",NR,$0}'
   1 X$KQFTA
   2 X$KQFVI
   3 X$KQFVT
   4 X$KQFDT
   5 X$KQFCO
What about extra 105 rows? Let me show what the output of X$KQFTA is like in my database:

SQL> select * from x$kqfta;

---------------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ------------------------------ ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------
0000000016CDBF20          0          1          0 4294950912          6 X$KQFTA                                 4          0         80         11
0000000016CDBF70          1          1          0 4294950913          3 X$KQFVI                                 1          0         80          7
0000000016CF4C00       1270          1          0 4294956360          2 X$BCAPPLY_STATS                         4          2        260         16
0000000016CF4C50       1271          1          0 4294956225          2 X$FSDDBFS                               4          0       1144         14
000000008F8127C0       1272          1          0 4294953644          0 X$KSIPC_PROC_STATS                      9         18          0          0
000000008F812810       1273          1          0 4294953645          0 X$KSIPC_INFO                            9         18          0          0
000000008F812860       1274          1          0 4294952215          1 X$KSXPTESTTBL                          10          2        146         15
000000008F8128B0       1275          1          0 4294952216          0 X$KSXP_STATS                            9         18          0          0
000000008F812900       1276          1          0 4294952217          0 X$SKGXP_PORT                            9         18          0          0
000000008F812950       1277          1          0 4294952218          0 X$SKGXP_CONNECTION                      9         18          0          0
000000008F8129A0       1278          1          0 4294952219          0 X$SKGXP_MISC                            9         18          0          0
000000008F8129F0       1279          1          0 4294952227          1 X$KTCNQROW                              9          2       1480         47
000000008F8147F0       1375          1          0 4294954950          3 X$DIAG_VTEST_EXISTS                    10         34       1536         13
000000008F814840       1376          1          0 4294954964          3 X$DIAG_VADR_CONTROL                    10         34       1072         21

1377 rows selected.

It can be seen that starting at INDX=1,272 (which is row 1,273 because INDX starts at 0) the ADDR value is quite different - it is 0x8F8127C0. It is not an address from the Oracle binary anymore:

SQL> select *
  2    from x$ksmsp
  3   where to_number('8F8127C0','XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX')
  4           between to_number(ksmchptr,'XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX')
  5               and to_number(ksmchptr,'XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX') + ksmchsiz - 1;

---------------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------------- ---------------- ---------- -------- ---------- ----------------
00007F6C5E50DC10     106576          1          1          1          1 KQF runtime def  000000008F8127B0       8416 perm              0 000000008F101000

The address refers to the KQF runtime def area of SGA. The X$ tables starting from INDX=1,272 are what Oracle is called virtual tables in its code. Of course, the INDX value is version dependent but these virtual tables always come after other X$ tables defined in kqftab. The starting address of the virtual tables can be obtained from the kqftvrt_ SGA variable:

SQL> oradebug dumpvar sga kqftvrt_
struct kqftv* kqftvrt_ [0600A7408, 0600A7410) = 8F8127C0 00000000

The virtual tables are built inside the kqfbldtvrt function.

понедельник, 31 января 2022 г.

X$ tables: reading X$KQFTA from Oracle binary

X$ tables are visible in X$KQFTA, for example:

SQL> select * from x$kqfta where rownum<=10;

---------------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ------------ ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------
0000000016CDBF20          0          1          0 4294950912          6 X$KQFTA               4          0         80         11
0000000016CDBF70          1          1          0 4294950913          3 X$KQFVI               1          0         80          7
0000000016CDBFC0          2          1          0 4294951149          3 X$KQFVT               1          0         32          5
0000000016CDC010          3          1          0 4294950914          4 X$KQFDT               1          0         40          7
0000000016CDC060          4          1          0 4294951036          6 X$KQFCO               4          2         80         17
0000000016CDC0B0          5          1          0 4294952712          2 X$KQFOPT              1          0         24          6
0000000016CDC100          6          1          0 4294952922          3 X$KYWMPCTAB           4          0         88         12
0000000016CDC150          7          1          0 4294953009          2 X$KYWMWRCTAB          4          0         72          6
0000000016CDC1A0          8          1          0 4294952923          2 X$KYWMCLTAB           4          0       4076          7
0000000016CDC1F0          9          1          0 4294952924          5 X$KYWMNF              4          0        240         11

This information is mostly coming from the kqftab structure within the Oracle binary:

[oracle@db-21 bin]$ readelf -s oracle | grep -E -A1 -w 'Symbol|kqftab' --no-group-separator
Symbol table '.dynsym' contains 225083 entries:
   Num:    Value          Size Type    Bind   Vis      Ndx Name
224955: 0000000016cdbf20 0x18dd0 OBJECT  GLOBAL DEFAULT   17 kqftab
224956: 00000000058400a0   288 FUNC    GLOBAL DEFAULT   13 kole_length
Symbol table '.symtab' contains 402534 entries:
   Num:    Value          Size Type    Bind   Vis      Ndx Name
344560: 0000000016cdbf20 0x18dd0 OBJECT  GLOBAL DEFAULT   17 kqftab
344561: 0000000016bc7a98    40 OBJECT  GLOBAL DEFAULT   17 kqreqv

This is the actual kqftab structure:

[oracle@db-21 bin]$ objdump -s --start-address=0x0000000016cdbf20 --stop-address=$((0x0000000016cdbf20+0x18dd0)) oracle

oracle:     file format elf64-x86-64

Contents of section .rodata:
 16cdbf20 07000000 00000000 80f52c16 00000000  ..........,.....
 16cdbf30 05000000 00000000 703be816 00000000  ........p;......
 16cdbf40 04000000 00000000 50000000 00000000  ........P.......
 16cdbf50 00000000 00000000 0b000000 02000000  ................
 16cdbf60 00c0ffff 06000000 00000000 00000000  ................
 16cdbf70 07000000 00000000 783be816 00000000  ........x;......
 16cdbf80 05000000 00000000 703be816 00000000  ........p;......
 16cdbf90 01000000 00000000 50000000 00000000  ........P.......
 16cdbfa0 00000000 00000000 07000000 00000000  ................
 16cdbfb0 01c0ffff 03000000 00000000 00000000  ................
 16cdbfc0 07000000 00000000 803be816 00000000  .........;......
 16cdbfd0 05000000 00000000 883be816 00000000  .........;......
 16cdbfe0 01000000 00000000 20000000 00000000  ........ .......
 16cdbff0 00000000 00000000 05000000 00000000  ................
 16cdc000 edc0ffff 03000000 00000000 00000000  ................

There is a visible pattern in this data. The highlighted lines contain some addresses which can be easily dereferenced:

[oracle@db-21 bin]$ for a in 162cf580 16e83b78 16e83b80
> do
>   objdump -s --start-address=0x$a --stop-address=$((0x$a+16)) oracle
> done

oracle:     file format elf64-x86-64

Contents of section .rodata:
 162cf580 58244b51 46544100 716b736f 7050726f  X$KQFTA.qksopPro

oracle:     file format elf64-x86-64

Contents of section .rodata:
 16e83b78 58244b51 46564900 58244b51 46565400  X$KQFVI.X$KQFVT.

oracle:     file format elf64-x86-64

Contents of section .rodata:
 16e83b80 58244b51 46565400 6b716674 70000000  X$KQFVT.kqftp...

Not surprisingly, the order of tables is the same as in X$KQFTA. It made me think that the structure kqftab can be used to construct an output similar to X$KQFTA. That is why I wrote a simple program that reads the Oracle binary and does just that:

[oracle@db-21 ~]$ xinfo list
|        obj | ver |    nam_ptr | nam                           | xstruct_nam_ptr | xstruct                   | typ |  flg |    rsz | coc |
| 4294950912 |   6 | 0x16282d00 | X$KQFTA                       |      0x16e33810 | kqftv                     |   4 |    0 |     80 |  11 |
| 4294950913 |   3 | 0x16e33818 | X$KQFVI                       |      0x16e33810 | kqftv                     |   1 |    0 |     80 |   7 |
| 4294951149 |   3 | 0x16e33820 | X$KQFVT                       |      0x16e33828 | kqftp                     |   1 |    0 |     32 |   5 |
| 4294950914 |   4 | 0x16e33830 | X$KQFDT                       |      0x16e33838 | kqfdt                     |   1 |    0 |     40 |   7 |
| 4294951036 |   6 | 0x16e33840 | X$KQFCO                       |      0x16e33848 | kqfcc                     |   4 |    2 |     80 |  17 |
| 4294952712 |   2 | 0x16e33850 | X$KQFOPT                      |      0x16e3385c | kqfopt                    |   1 |    0 |     24 |   6 |
| 4294952922 |   3 | 0x16e33864 | X$KYWMPCTAB                   |      0x16e33870 | kywmpctab                 |   4 |    0 |     88 |  12 |
| 4294953009 |   2 | 0x16e3387c | X$KYWMWRCTAB                  |      0x16e3388c | kywmwrctab                |   4 |    0 |     72 |   6 |
| 4294952923 |   2 | 0x16e33898 | X$KYWMCLTAB                   |      0x16e338a4 | kywmcltab                 |   4 |    0 |   4076 |   7 |
| 4294952924 |   5 | 0x16e338b0 | X$KYWMNF                      |      0x16e338bc | kywmnf                    |   4 |    0 |    240 |  11 |
| 4294956357 |   2 | 0x16e3a834 | X$CONSENSUS_STATS             |      0x16e3a848 | kconsstats                |   4 |    2 |     64 |  10 |
| 4294956360 |   2 | 0x16e3a854 | X$BCAPPLY_STATS               |      0x16e3a864 | kbbaStats                 |   4 |    2 |    260 |  16 |
| 4294956225 |   2 | 0x16e3a870 | X$FSDDBFS                     |      0x16e3a87c | fsddbfs                   |   4 |    0 |   1144 |  14 |

[oracle@db-21 ~]$ xinfo list 'X$KCCC*'
|        obj | ver |    nam_ptr | nam     | xstruct_nam_ptr | xstruct | typ | flg | rsz | coc |
| 4294951110 |   5 | 0x16e3553c | X$KCCCF |      0x16e35544 | kcccf   |   4 |   0 | 532 |   9 |
| 4294951215 |   4 | 0x16e3567c | X$KCCCC |      0x16e35684 | kcccc   |   5 |   6 |  48 |  14 |
| 4294951392 |   5 | 0x16e35d90 | X$KCCCP |      0x16e35d98 | kctcpx  |   5 |   0 | 552 |  25 |

I also make use of other information that is stored in kqftab and add a column called xstruct to the output.