
среда, 30 сентября 2015 г.

Bug 20214168 - Wrong Results using aggregations of CASE expression with fix of bug 20003240 present

I started to use Oracle 12c in the early 2014 in non-production environments.
At now I am extensively testing the ADO, In-Memory functionalities and have couple of database in production.
They already use DBBP (Database Bundle Patch) 10 for engineering systems and database In-Memory and have several underscope parameters in effect.
Unfortunately, a few days ago we have faced with the wrong results caused by the Bug 20214168 - Wrong Results using aggregations of CASE expression with fix of bug 20003240 present.
This problem was already discussed on the freelist oracle-l thread Strange Behaviour (with Test Case).
Original thread was Exadata specific.
We dont have an Exadata yet but we use DBIM (Database In-Memory) and so we install DBBP patches.
I found out that solution from the thread with event 10055 don't help to resolve wrong results issue in our environment.
Let's create test table and data from the original bug:
SQL> create table test_fact(chrtype varchar2(3), rate number);
SQL> insert into test_fact values('R03', 1.3);
SQL> insert into test_fact values('LDU', 0.21);
SQL> select *
  2    from test_fact;

--------- ----------
R03              1.3
LDU              .21
Now execute below query:
SQL> select sum(
  2           case
  3             when chrtype in ('R03', 'LDU')
  4             then rate/10
  5           end) result
  6    from test_fact;

Notice wrong results. Above query should return 0.151 and not 0.041.
Now we will execute same query with the event 10055 set:
SQL> alter session set events '10055 trace name context forever, level 0x200';
SQL> select sum(
  2           case
  3             when chrtype in ('R03', 'LDU')
  4             then rate/10
  5           end) result
  6    from test_fact;

Notice that results are the same (they are wrong) and the event 10055 set to level 0x200 dont help.
I observed these results in the environment with Patch 21188742 - Database Patch for Engineered Systems and DB In-Memory (Jul2015) applied.
May be other levels of event 10055 could help?
[oracle@localhost ~]$ oerr ora 10055
10055, 00000, "Rowsets: turn off rowsets for various operations"
// *Document: NO
// *Cause:    N/A
// *Action:   Turns off rowsets for various operations
//            Level:
//            0x00000001 - turn off for table scan
//            0x00000002 - turn off for hash join consume
//            0x00000004 - turn off for hash join produce
//            0x00000008 - turn off for group by
//            0x00000010 - turn off for sort
//            0x00000020 - turn off for table-queue out
//            0x00000040 - turn off for table-queue in
//            0x00000080 - turn off for identity
//            0x00000100 - turn off for granule iterator
//            0x00000200 - turn off for EVA functions
//            0x00000400 - turn off for PL/SQL
//            0x00000800 - turn off for upgrade
//            0x00001000 - turn off for database startup
//            0x00002000 - turn off for blobs and clobs
//            0x00004000 - turn off for tracing row source
//            0x00008000 - turn off rowset information in explain plan
//            0x00010000 - disable hash join rowsets fast path
//            0x00020000 - turn off for bloom create
//            0x00040000 - turn off for bloom use
//            0x00080000 - disable prefetch for hash join
//            0x00100000 - disable prefetch for bloom
//            0x00200000 - disable semi blocking hash join
//            0x00400000 - turn off rowset for fixed table
Unfortunately, other levels also have not helped.
I found 2 possible solutions for this problem case.
1. set _rowsets_enabled to false:
SQL> select sum(
  2           case
  3             when chrtype in ('R03', 'LDU')
  4             then rate/10
  5           end) result
  6    from test_fact;

SQL> alter session set "_rowsets_enabled"=false;
SQL> select sum(
  2           case
  3             when chrtype in ('R03', 'LDU')
  4             then rate/10
  5           end) result
  6    from test_fact;

2. set _rowsets_max_rows to 1:
SQL> select sum(
  2           case
  3             when chrtype in ('R03', 'LDU')
  4             then rate/10
  5           end) result
  6    from test_fact;

SQL> alter session set "_rowsets_max_rows"=1;
SQL> select sum(
  2           case
  3             when chrtype in ('R03', 'LDU')
  4             then rate/10
  5           end) result
  6    from test_fact;

Off course, we shouldn't use underscope parameters without Oracle Support agreement.
Instead we should apply the fix for bug 20214168 ASAP.
I tried to apply the patch 20214168 to this Oracle Home but OPatch informed me that patch already applied!
Recommended actions: The fixes by this patch are currently in the Oracle Home. There is no need to apply this patch.
Patch : 20214168

        Bug SubSet of 21125181
        Subset bugs are:
From the opatch lsinv I saw that definitely fix for bug 20214168 already installed:
Local Machine Information::
Hostname: localhost
ARU platform id: 23
ARU platform description:: Solaris Operating System (SPARC 64-bit)
Installed Top-level Products (1): 
Oracle Database 12c                                         are 1 products installed in this Oracle Home.
Interim patches (5) :
Patch  20831113     : applied on Wed Aug 05 15:01:24 NOVT 2015
Unique Patch ID:  18927529
Patch description:  "OCW Patch Set Update : (20831113)"
   Created on 23 Jun 2015, 06:58:08 hrs UTC
   Bugs fixed:
     18589889, 19139608, 19280860, 19061429, 19133945, 19341538, 20011424
Patch  21125181     : applied on Wed Aug 05 14:50:35 NOVT 2015
Unique Patch ID:  19005983
Patch description:  "DATABASE BUNDLE PATCH: (21125181)"
   Created on 1 Jul 2015, 22:01:24 hrs PST8PDT
Sub-patch  20594149; "DATABASE BUNDLE PATCH: (20594149)"
Sub-patch  20415006; "DATABASE BUNDLE PATCH: (20415006)"
Sub-patch  20243804; "DATABASE BUNDLE PATCH: (20243804)"
   Bugs fixed:
     19990543, 19012044, 20214168, 20209481, 18885870, 13640676, 13498243
Patch  19396455     : applied on Mon Jul 13 17:43:01 NOVT 2015
Unique Patch ID:  18154832
   Created on 15 Oct 2014, 20:19:28 hrs PST8PDT
   Bugs fixed:
Patch  19567916     : applied on Mon Jul 13 17:41:37 NOVT 2015
Unique Patch ID:  18878751
   Created on 1 May 2015, 01:31:51 hrs PST8PDT
   Bugs fixed:
Patch  20879889     : applied on Mon Jul 13 17:33:26 NOVT 2015
Unique Patch ID:  18969474
   Created on 27 May 2015, 10:30:29 hrs PST8PDT
   Bugs fixed:
I have found that bug 21214168 incorrectly informed as fixed but actually it's not fixed: Bug 21553476 - Wrong Results using aggregations of CASE expression with fix of bug 20003240 present in Exadata (Doc ID 21553476.8).
So instead of install patch 21214168, we should install Patch 21553476: EXADATA X5-2 RESULTS WRONG NUMERIC CALCULATION.
I had installed patch 21553476 and problem was resolved after that!
SQL> select sum(
  2           case
  3             when chrtype in ('R03', 'LDU')
  4             then rate/10
  5           end) result
  6    from test_fact
  7  /
