
вторник, 16 сентября 2014 г.

Bug 4991675 - Diagnostic event improve diagnosability of data dictionary invalidation issues

In recent MOS HOT Topics email I found a note: Bug 4991675 - Diagnostic event improve diagnosability of data dictionary invalidation issues (Doc ID 4991675.8) Many DBAs faced with "sporadic" invalidation issues in their work. Finding a root cause for such issues is not always easy. In many cases we investigate audit records, process redo logs with LogMiner and so on. You are out of problem when there are no DDL in database. Unfortunately, such goal not always reachable. In patch readme you can find next notes:
Note:Patch Post Install Steps:
This fix enhances the _trace_kqlidp parameter therefore please set this
parameter to true to enable this fix.
_trace_kqlidp was probably introduced in 11.1 but this patch enhances the parameter. I wrote a simple test case that can be used to demonstrate the effect of _trace_kqlidp parameter.
def tns_alias=orcl

conn /@&tns_alias.
drop user tc cascade;
grant connect to tc identified by tc;
grant alter session, create procedure, create table to tc;

conn tc/tc@&tns_alias.

create table t(x int) segment creation deferred;

create or replace procedure p
  for t_rec in (
    select * from t)
  end loop;

alter session set "_trace_kqlidp"=true;

select status from obj where object_name='P';
alter table t add y int;
select status from obj where object_name='P';
Latest alter table invalidates the procedure P. With parameter _trace_kqlidp set I see in trace file on
<-_start()+380Fine-grain delta dump for unit TC.T
- Change bit vector 0:
  -23, -16, 
- Change bit vector 1:Empty
- Change bit vector 2:Empty
- Shift table:Empty 
kqlidp0: 964375 (CURSOR TC.T) (Parent:    0) [ROOT]
kqlidp0:. 964376 (PROCEDURE TC.P) (Parent:964375) [ADDED TO QUEUE]
kqlidp0:. 964376 (PROCEDURE TC.P) (Parent:964375) [INVALIDATE]
INVALIDATION: Current SQL follows
alter table t add y int
Fine-grain delta dump for unit TC.T
- Change bit vector 0:
  -23, -16, 
- Change bit vector 1:Empty
- Change bit vector 2:Empty
- Shift table:Empty 
kqlidp0: 91877 (CURSOR TC.T) (Parent:    0) [ROOT]
kqlidp0:. 91878 (PROCEDURE TC.P) (Parent:91877) [ADDED TO QUEUE]
kqlidp0:. 91878 (PROCEDURE TC.P) (Parent:91877) [INVALIDATE]
We can see that patch 4991675 probably adds highlighted lines. "INVALIDATION" line helps in trace file identification. "Current SQL" line simplify root cause analysis. Update: alert.log also populated with "INVALIDATION" line.
Tue Sep 16 10:16:50 2014
INVALIDATION performed by ospid=21919. Please see tracefile.